It's been 45 days since my last confession.
We're home from Laos and Vietnam. Here are some snaps from our family holiday:
Richie and Rex climbing up a hill at 6am (1. cooler 2. Crying baby not great for hotel neighbours 3. VIEW!!!)

Rexie on the hill

Some boys nicking fruit and monkeying around with a monk's robes

Beautiful Luang Prabang

Ho Chi Striding out

This photo taken in the original Presidential Palace (now called Reunification). These novels were part of the library collection of the president. I found it pretty interesting to see what western literature was here for the reading...

Rice harvest:

The Family Photo of the trip (with our favourite green coconut drinks!). We literally only took one with all three of us! It took someone from Nambucca Heads to suggest it!

Not all hardship in SE Asia - fab wine bar and deli on Le Thanh Ton. We did a supper of baguettes, french cheese and rose' this evening!

AND - Richie Rex and the elephant - Rex was excited to meet a Nellie - "ooooo ooooo ooo!" etc but was even more excited to meet a cat a few minutes later...

Anyway we are installed at home again now and growing up and stuff.