Hello - sorry so long!
Have some offering up for you this week
Firstly, something very special which has come to me via my Grandma
Hilda, from her mother (my great-grandma) Ruby Menzies. This little sampler (is this what is called?) was made by her in Grade 5 (10 years old - i think i was mastering french knitting not french knots) in 1903.... It is just lovely, and my M&D had it framed for my birthday... Aren't i the luckiest?

Ruby lived in Black Mountain (north of Armidale) where I am keeping up the
making-day challenge... After using a whole pack of butter on these, I have slowed up! There will be images after the weekend when serious passionfruit cream filled yo-yo's will feature at the farm party. This one by Mrs E.W. Parker whom I have found out from parentals is Mrs ERIC Parker - what about this curiousity of losing your name even in print!

This week, this one (on the right) turns three. I am finding this quite a challenge to comprehend!

Pickle (as he is known) isn't too spoilt with 'stuff' but this birthday seems to have whipped up a gravity all of its own, and after wrapping yesterday, this is what was hidden in the secret cupboard! wo

And the sorting and organising continues here at nest central.

Have a happy old week and skuut over
here for more creativity (that was likely done this week not last century)...