SO far have made up some of my favourite foods. Not sure how gnocchi would look if a little person was sporting it. Or vegemite toast. Watcha think?
Oh and i got some tags made up in preparation for a homemade christmas!
This parcel is here, and I am wanting to make a quilt with it (and some others). This would be a serious extension of skill and equipment (i currently own a 5 pack of needles)... Any ideas would be very warmly received!
Have you seriously never made these before - you're a natural, they are gorgeous!
These are awesome! I think I want an icecream for me!! Nice work! *s*
Your stitching is lovely, I wish mine was so neat ... and OMG I adore that smurf fabric, I loved those little guys!
Love the apple and pear motifs, just gorgeous.
Smurfs, OMG, flashback to my childhood =O)
....I wonder what you will make with it....can't wait to see.
Hi Robyn, Keep up with that blanket stitch. I am totally loving it, and veg toast could be very good too.
Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. Re the Aesop cream, just buy the thickest cream you can, and go easy with the essential oils!
Very sweet home made presents!The tag finish it perfectly.Oh and the smurf!!!Another one that can not haide her age :)
Thanks for your visit over to my creative space too :) x
your tops are gorgeous. And I love the fabrics you've used.
I think vegemite on toast could look actually quite sweet in all seriousness, using two fabrics with a bit of layering.
thanks for you lovely comment on my blog too x
I like your applique motifs on the little singlets Charmaine
Yep I think most of us agree that vegimite on toast would look really cute on a tee, not real vegemite... its a pain to get out. As for not having a machine, handmade quilts are the best. check out hexagons, some people set aside wednesday to showcase their latest hexies, all stitched by hand. not sure who though. ask mr google :-) thanks for visiting my blog
I love your appliques...they are great!
I had those smurf sheets when I was little, ahh the memories!
Love your tops, perfect for the homemade Christmas.
Your appliques are stunning, but those Smurf sheets are what made my heart go pitter-pat!
Oh the smurf fabric is adorable. I'd forgotten about smurfs. And I love that applique, especially the apple. Too cute.
Ah yes, the Girl Guides. Three Band-Aids were dispensed and one more girl who cut herself but thought she didn't need one. She told me she could "be strong". Too cute.
Love the pair and apple!
These are seriously cute... I love the stitching too. Oh the Smurf fabric is wonderful. Can't wait to see the finished product. Pxxx
great little tops.. love the apple.. If you don't mind me asking where did you get your tags.. I am on the hunt for some..
Hey where did you get your fabric tags made? I would love to have my own made up.
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