and have been listening to a fair bit of this. It's amazing how quickly a 3yo gets the air guitar happ-en-ing! This footage from the year I was born.
It has been a musical edumacation for me, as some of the lyrics which I will happily since along to have had to be modified. Thought this song was all about a DUNDERHEAD...
We have been sporting eyebrows from the 'angry scotsman' range:
& I admit to have been tucking into some serious comfort food:
And some food torture:
oh MY. those eyebrows!! high styling at its best :) nothing like a bit of comfort food and weekends in freo - my plan this saturday is freo as well!
the eyebrows, of course....
eye catchers!... hi hi hi.
The eyebrows! Fun! Oh, and the donuts. Yummmmm.
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