Give-away away down below - you have to read all my novel first.
This dining table and chairs has come to our family from Rich's grandparents. The old (OLD!) green vinyl had seen some better days, and I thought I could do a number on it. So I was very very very excited to find something a little more exciting to sit on! This one was a prototype to see how it all went. Aok!
Step by step went a bit like this:
1. Take screws out of old seat pad, and unassemble it from chair frame.
2. Attempt to remove old vinyl and tacks.
3. Find charming wadding of yesteryear, fight with tacks then proceed to give up and let them stay.
4. Decide to add some modern wadding to make it a little more comfy on the bot
5. Let fly with my new toy - how fun is a staple gun! I was never very good at hospital corners - I do remember learning at brownies.
6. Reassemble seat pad onto seat frame
7. Rejoice!
My dad is coming over to Perth in a fortnight - he is going to help me repair the chair frames (he is a man of dowel and glue and clamps and sheet-metal and araldite!).
My straw poll: Do I recuperate the stained timber for the chairs or do I paint? Please comment - I need an opinion or three to convince me
I was thinking something along these lines: to go with the spotty dots. Or something else? Red?
I have made a little 'thinking of you Japan' prize - this will ALL be yours, if you are the lucky number outta the hat. All you have to do is let me know what I should do to the chair frames... timber/paint...? Hmmm
(this fabric is a piece of antique silk I bought while I was there. One of you crafty whizkids will do it more justice than I can. And warning... this was my first EVER zipper). Drawn on Sunday night. Anyone in our world can enter. Each person's comment is $1 from me to Red Cross for Japan.
Creative Spaces a-plenty at Kootoyoo.
First attempt at a zip looks pretty good to me!
My first thought was keep the timber look but then I thought painted red and blue would look cool, you could alternate them in a lovely pattern. Or just go for all blue, bit less loud and it is a lovely shade of blue. What are you doing with the table? Leaving it as is?
Oh, and great job wit the reupholstering! I have an old(ish) jarrah table with beige vinyl seats that I want to recover but it all just seems to challenging. You have inspired me to rethink this again! Perhaps next holidays, definitely a holiday job me thinks. Maybe I could borrow your dad to fix my chairs too, mine are all rickety as well.
Definitely the paint! I'm in favor of one of the bluey-greens, myself.
I always love dark timber, but the paint colours you've chosen are lovely too (yes, I'm sitting on the fence...) though to be honest, I like the look of the lovely new cushion on the old worn chair, so maybe you could do nothing and save lots of time!
(PS the above comment was from me, in my non-blog identify - whoops!)
paint!! they will look super cute matching those blueish-green circles!! and you'll always be able to touch-up! :) hope i win!!
i think paint too! as it is not my house I would suggest painting each chair a different shade....would love the look but not sure if I could pull it off! Could you?
I vote for paint! I love that fabric, I'm sure the chairs will look perfect.
Fabric Looks great. My vote - a high gloss which paint.
(thanks for stopping by my blog - with the new ezy carve stamps - i haven't cut myself once - but now that i have said that i will be covered in bandages by the end of the week!)
Wow, your chair looks amazing. I love natural wood, so my personal preference is keep it natural, but some of those blues you found look is so personal. Do you have a spare chair you can try a blue on, and put the fabric next to to have a look?
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog today. The fabric covered hair bobbles are SO easy to make, and Jodie from the Haby Goddess posted a tute about making them just tonight, here:
have fun, they are quite addictive, so watch out! (I now buy my supplies on Craftumi in bulk packs as it is much cheaper, but the Haby Goddess has great little trial packs to get you addicted/started)
Dear dilemma!
Now, I am partial to painting and am in the process of painting an old oak wardrobe. But looking at your chairs and the awesome fabric you have chosen, I think I would sand the chairs back and give them a nice coat of varnish. That would leave the focus on the fabric.
Anyway, that is my ever so humble opinion. Good luck with whatever you choose!
Hmmm. Not entirely sure. If you were painting, I think I would either go with blue lagoon, or even paint it dark grey. I do wonder if the timber stain would be better though. Either way there is a fair bit of sanding to do. Tanya from Teek might have some good tips for you... ( ) Check her blog from today, and also a previous one called Hard Rubbish. All the best, and I can't wait to see how it turns out! :)
I'm for painting them too - in one of the lovely teal colours. Love the fabric you've used - so funky!
Paint, but distress so you don't have to be perfect about it.
Wish I thought to vinyl cover my chairs.
you have done a great job. everyone says blue but i think paint and i think red. good on you for getting into the fundraising. i have been thinking about it all day but don't know how to do it yet. i was hoping to come across an appeal in good old blogland
My vote is for that reclaimed timber. Meanwhile, I am as excited as all get out for you - those are going to be RIPPER chairs!
I love the paint colours you've chosen and I think any of those colours would be fab with the fabric. I'm a paintoholic anyway, even though I love natural wood too. I agree about distressing too.
Another vote for a blue-green paint. Yabbadabbadoo? Screens can be tricky for choosing colour but Resene does such beautifull shades, it'd be hard to go wrong, in my opinion. Good luck!
I think the paint but maybe black or is that too harsh?For a green I would choose Jeepers Creepers.I love the fabric choice.
Red paint!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Totally worth it to get a cutting mat, rotary cutter and quilt ruler - I bought the cheapest of all 3 at Spotlight and they worked brilliantly. Nice straight lines, and so much faster than scissors.
Have a great weekend! Nic
Keep the timber. No painting!
Paint in haste - repaint forever!
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