Wednesday, September 8, 2010

my (Ruby's?) creative space circa 1903...

Hello - sorry so long!

Have some offering up for you this week

Firstly, something very special which has come to me via my Grandma Hilda, from her mother (my great-grandma) Ruby Menzies. This little sampler (is this what is called?) was made by her in Grade 5 (10 years old - i think i was mastering french knitting not french knots) in 1903.... It is just lovely, and my M&D had it framed for my birthday... Aren't i the luckiest?

Ruby lived in Black Mountain (north of Armidale) where I am keeping up the making-day challenge... After using a whole pack of butter on these, I have slowed up! There will be images after the weekend when serious passionfruit cream filled yo-yo's will feature at the farm party. This one by Mrs E.W. Parker whom I have found out from parentals is Mrs ERIC Parker - what about this curiousity of losing your name even in print!

This week, this one (on the right) turns three. I am finding this quite a challenge to comprehend!
Pickle (as he is known) isn't too spoilt with 'stuff' but this birthday seems to have whipped up a gravity all of its own, and after wrapping yesterday, this is what was hidden in the secret cupboard! wo

And the sorting and organising continues here at nest central.Photobucket

Have a happy old week and skuut over here for more creativity (that was likely done this week not last century)...


LeelaBijou said...

Amazing! Yes, you are the luckiest! :)

Kirsty said...

How lucky you are to have such an amazing piece of stitching history. Just beautiful.

Tania said...

That is one fabulous piece of birthday treasure. Lucky, lucky chook.

Tracey@bountifully said...

oh that is a beautiful old piece of embroidery. Loving your organisation, are those undies colour coded????

Dee said...

Wow, what an amazing keepsake! Gorgeous! We are nest central here too--not a huge amount of sorting and organizing going on though...needing to get on to it! :)